Wednesday, April 25, 2007

It's a Biggie

Ralphs is a part of the Kroger corporation. Who are they?

That's just a few of the supermarkets associated with the Kroger Company. With so many supermarkets reaching so many people...why can't they reach us? The consumer who needs something a little different. A little less gluten.

How is it that the Kroger company will put gluten free items in the City Market in Winterpark, CO when they can't put any in the Ralphs in Orange, CA?


Shelly- Mom Files said...

I LOVE Kroger and have always found that if you want a specific product in the store, they will do their absolute best to carry it.

Jenni said...

I agree! I LOVE my Krogers at home in Texas, but the Ralphs here in Orange, CA doesn't match up. I requested that Ralphs carry Vans gluten free waffles, just to see if they will. I'll let everyone know deliver