Thursday, March 22, 2007

Major Slip Up

I just had a wtf moment.

So i bought these cookies thinking they were gluten-free, and i've been eating them over time for about a week now. I was looking at the box and noticed that I didn't see "Gluten Free" anywhere on the box so I check the ingredients. Yep wheat flour. Granted, it's organic unbleached wheat flour....

WOW. This explains why i've not been feeling so great intestine wise and all bloated up. I can't believe I did that. Wow...just wow

I guess I'm going to be extremely careful from now on. I'm angry though, because I spend all this time being careful with what I eat. Here I am just unknowingly destroying my insides, when I know I can prevent it. So frustrating!!!


Mike Eberhart said...

Wow! That must really be a bad feeling knowing that you've been consuming the evil Gluten all week! I am so paranoid about such things, I bake nearly all my cookies, breads, and snacks at home to be sure.

I got your request to have your feed show up on my news aggregator.... I'm working on it now :)

Mrs. G.F. said...

I really, really, really, don't like that.

I mean, if I am going to eat gluten, I would pick something really good, like pizza..or pasta, or a fabulous canoli. Not something I would expect to be gluten free.

I have done the same thing..once I started eating a macaroon and read the ingredients...saw wheat and started spitting it out and rinsing my mouth out...

So, I understand. :)